
Join UMSRG for a Twilight Tour of Campus
On Wednesday, October 18, a major symposium on “Universities, Slavery, Public Memory, & the Built Landscape” will convene at the University of Virginia, with four members of the UMSRG participating. As part of these events, that evening our friend Joseph McGill of the Slave Dwelling Project will be leading more than 100 individuals at the University […]

Our Past Is Our Present: The Legacies of Slavery and School Segregation
The University of Mississippi Slavery Research Group presents alumnus Robert L. Reece, BA and MA sociology and Duke University PhD, now an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin, on Friday, October 13 at 3:30pm in the Barnard Observatory Tupelo Room.

VIDEO: Opening Up History & Healing Wounds
The University of Mississippi Slavery Research Group presented a public lecture by George W. McDaniel, Ph.D., executive director emeritus of Drayton Hall, a historic house museum in Charleston, South Carolina, on the topic of Opening Up History and Healing Wounds: Choosing a Future for Confederate Memorials in the Overby Center Auditorium on Tuesday, October 3, 2017. […]

Founder of Georgetown Memory Project to Speak at UM
Richard Cellini, founder of the Georgetown Memory Project, will speak Monday (Sept. 18) at the University of Mississippi about how he helped identify descendants of slaves at Georgetown University. The event, set for 4-5 p.m. in the Tupelo Room of Barnard Observatory, is free and open to the public. A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation. […]

UMSRG Members to Present at Symposium in Charlottesville
Four members of the University of Mississippi Slavery Research Group will travel to Charlottesville, Virginia in late October to share their findings at the “Universities, Slavery, Public Memory, and the Built Landscape” symposium, which will be hosted by the Nau Center for Civil War Studies, The Carter G. Woodson Institute for African-American and African Affairs, […]

The South Reporter: Leading Architectural Historians Visit Slave Quarters in Holly Springs
The South Reporter August 17, 2017 Holly Springs is the site of several of the state’s most intact slave quarters. With over 22 identified former quarters for enslaved persons, Holly Springs is the focus of increased interest from nationally known academic and tourism experts. These historic buildings are in great need of study and documentation. […]

NYT: Ole Miss Edges Out of Its Confederate Shadow, Gingerly
The New York Times Stephanie Saul | August 9, 2017 OXFORD, Miss. — Other than William Faulkner and the father and son quarterbacks Archie and Eli Manning, few figures in this town’s history are better known locally than Lucius Q. C. Lamar. A professor at Ole Miss before and after the Civil War, he served […]

Edge Effects Magazine: A Conversation with Jeffrey Jackson and Charles Ross on Ole Miss and the Shadow of Slavery
Edge Effects Magazine By Brian Hamilton | May 17, 2017 In the last fifteen years, slavery has gone to college. Or, rather, colleges and universities have taken themselves back to school. Initiatives at several of the nation’s oldest, most elite institutions have sought to uncover their historical entanglements with slavery, which went overlooked—often willfully—for generations. […]

Faulkner and Slavery Conference to Take Place in July 2018
Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha July 22-26, 2018 Announcement and Call For Papers During his apprenticeship and early years as a published writer, William Faulkner evinced little serious interest in the issue of slavery or in the lives of the enslaved: their experiences, words, deeds, interiority, personal relationships, or historical legacies. This is perhaps surprising, given the fact of […]

UMSRG Member Named Prestigious Whiting Fellow
Fresh off winning this year’s Mississippi Humanities Council Scholar Award, University of Mississippi Professor Jodi Skipper has received another accolade, this one a national honor. Skipper, assistant professor of anthropology and Southern Studies, has been awarded a prestigious Whiting Public Engagement Fellowship from the Whiting Foundation, a Brooklyn, New York-based organization that has a long history of […]